Thursday, August 29, 2013


Today Zelda asked to do some home preschool like Hanna (her second cousin). Yesterday we had looked at their blog and saw pictures of Hanna doing some school work.
So... Today I had to think of something without doing a lot of prep work. We started working in her preschool colouring activity book practicing writing skills but her attention span for those type of activities is very limited. I then tried to have them "write" in some colour rice but that was also short lived. So I promised her we would do something after quiet time. 
We ended up taking our foam letter puzzle and putting it on the kitchen floor (which we spent the morning trying to clean) and I asked her to walk along the puzzle and tell me what she was standing on. I was trying to figure out how many of them she already knew. I was surprised at the amount she did. I would have loved to write down the ones she knew but things like that are harder when you have a little brother trying to "help" I think she knows about 2/3s of her Capital letters. 
Over all we had a fun spontaneous preschool lesson. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

thoughts on the ABC's

I wrote in my post about a possible schedule (I deleted that post because schedules just don't fit me) and doing one letter per week but when I think about it and look at different ideas on Pinterest I don't think that I want to do that. I remember learning my sign alphabet and when I learned it the first time (in grade school) I learned it in the correct order ABCDE.... and I could never spell anything quickly. Latter when I was trying to learn it again to use in real life (we had a neighbour who was deaf) I learned by spelling things around me such as, signs on a road trip. This way taught me to remember the letters without going through the entire alphabet. I would like to do our ABC learning as a whole instead of one letter at a time. It is how we have been learning till now and Zelda (3.5) is recognizing about 1/3 or the alphabet (my guess) And Zorro (2) knows O. This is without sitting down with the purpose of learning letters. I have been trying to spell out their names at different time such as in the sand when camping, or on pictures that they make.
The ABC games that I am interested in tend to use more then just one letter. I will be teaching both my 3.5 year old daughter and my 2 year old son at the same time so I need games that both of them can play and learn from at their own speed.
Ideas I found and like:
-Tape a letter on the floor and have them "trace" it by walking along the tape.
-Use foam letters from those puzzle mats. Call out a letter and have them jump on it.
-Hide small objects with letters on them around the room and have them find them. Talk about the letters they find and play with them when they have them all.
-Hang letters on a string with clothes pins. Do it together and talk about the letters you see. Could do Upper and Lower Case letters so that they can match them together.
-Have the letters of their names on paper, blocks, stones ect and have them put them in the correct order.
-Drawing letters in sensory materials

Most of these involve movement. I won't do all of our learning running around but with a 2 year old boy it is a pretty important part of learning... I hope to do some of the sitting down and learning activities with Zelda as well but they will not be the main focus of our time. Zorro will most likely just colour during those times.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Brainstorming Preschool

This fall I am hoping to set up an area in our home where we will spend time learning. We are going to be moving upstairs in my in-laws place and there is a space that is perfect. I don't have the money to be spending on Curriculum and since they are only 2 and 3.5 years old I think that might be a bit of overkill in the first place :p So I thought I would start a blog so that I had a place to brainstorm and keep track of things that I am planning.

The Title:
I called this blog Pre-school for Legends because of the names we gave our kids: Zelda and Zorro. Both of them are pretty Legendary. ;)

Goals for Pre-School:
1) Spend planned time with my kids
2) Teaching them things that they will need to know for school and life
3) Teaching them about the Bible and Memorize scripture together.

Ideas for things to teach:
1) Numbers
    -Counting objects with accuracy
2) Calendars
      -Concepts of Day, Month, Year
      -Remember important Birthdays and Holidays.
3) Reading and Writing
      -Read a lot of Stories with them
      -Name recognition
      -Letter Recognition
      -Fine Motor skills for writing
4) Science and Nature
     -Teaching them about the plants and trees that they see on the yard.
     -Teaching Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
     -Basic experiments
     -Compare things. (weight, size ect...) this would also be math
5) Art
     -Colours (recognition and mixing)
     -playing with different materials to create.
     -Gifts and Cards.