Preschool for Legends
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Cutting and ABC
Zelda has been loving her sissors all summer and has been getting pretty good. However, I have been pretty terrible at working on letters this summer and she has forgotten a lot of them and gets some of them mixed up. So since we were home for the day I drew out all of the capital letters on construction paper and got her to start cutting them out. She stayed with it till the letter H. 8 letters in one sitting is pretty good and she hadn't forgotten as many as I thought. I then taped a long piece of paper off my roll to the wall and glued on the ones she had cut out and put the remaining letters in a bucket with her sissors. I am hopeing that sh completes them some time in the next week and then I might start on doing crafts with animals that start with each letter since she really loves to do crafts right now. Zorro can join when he wants to and hopefully some of it will rub off on him to.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Name recognition
Zelda is good at knowing her name in writing anywhere. Zorro knows how to tell which is his name and which is Zelda's. I have been teaching then their names written properly but am learning that it is important for them to know both the capital and lowercase because Zelda wants to type her name and the keyboard is all caps. So... Today I gave them a paper with both ways and asked them to coulor and then trace on the other side. Zorro didn't really have the attention span but he did draw a bunch of o's
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Number 5
Today I was reading a book about Chasing God while Chasing the kids. And in it it had a challange about managing time to do the things that mattered to you. It also quoted the verse saying that we should count our days to gain wisdom. I only have one year till Zelda starts school. That's not very many days left. I need to remember that. So today I took a few moments to think about "preschool" I found all the numbers 0-9 in our magnetic letters and put them in a bucket. Zelda picked out (without looking) the number 5. So here is what we did...
1) Ran outside and did five jumping jacks, big steps, normal jumps, and ran to five poles/trees. They are both able to count to 20. Zelda can get to 30ish. But they are not good at count to a specific number they always go past. So it was good practice to pay attention to what the are saying instead of just saying something memorized.
2) Pick 5 Dandillions. Zelda did this with no problem and was done in 10 seconds. Zorro brought me three. Zelda went and got two more for him and he helped me count them.
3) Decorate the number 5 with markers and glitter. Since it is nice outside and I really don't like glitter we took the little table outside and did it on the porch.
*Zelda was working on colouring her 5 in and Zorro traced the number over 3ish times. Zelda didn't finish colouring because Zorro took out his glitter and that is just far more fun than markers :)
I had hoped to get them to pick the 5 out of a group of numbers but they were done with me telling them what to do by then so I let them get back to playing.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
This morning we went to the library for the second time. We had a great time reading and looking at all the books. I let them both pick two books and I picked two non-fiction ones for preschool. Since Zelda has been asking why we have blood and why we drink/eat, I found two in a How Your Body Works series. Hopefully they can explain it better than me :)
What we did:
I drew numbers in boxes on a paper and gave them some stickers to count. Prep time about 2 minuets (including locating paper and marker)
Zelda got impatient with the stickers so she used cereal instead. She counted out the cereal correctly on her own till the number 7. By 8 she had lost interest in being careful but I reminded her that when she goes to school her teacher will expect her to finish activities even if she doesn't really like them. With that motivation she finished with some help and encouragement from me. Zorro was happy practicing his fine motor skills with his stickers. Which up until recently he really didn't like to play with cause they were to sticky :p
Later we made cookies, I packed them during quiet time, and then brought them to a few of our neighbours. We were thankful for the short break in FREEZING (-25) weather! Even though most people weren't home we still had a lot of fun.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Zorro had a late nap so me and Zelda had some learning time together. I laid out all the puzzlepieces and we worked through the alphabet together. She can recognize most of the letters on her own but if she got stuck I told her to look at the pictures on the pieces and told her whatsound the letters made. From that should could figure out which one it was. Once the puzzlewas together she wanted to take pictures of me stepping on each one. To get me to moveto the next letter she had to tell me where to go. It was good for teaching and took no preparation.

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Today Zelda asked to do some home preschool like Hanna (her second cousin). Yesterday we had looked at their blog and saw pictures of Hanna doing some school work.
So... Today I had to think of something without doing a lot of prep work. We started working in her preschool colouring activity book practicing writing skills but her attention span for those type of activities is very limited. I then tried to have them "write" in some colour rice but that was also short lived. So I promised her we would do something after quiet time.
We ended up taking our foam letter puzzle and putting it on the kitchen floor (which we spent the morning trying to clean) and I asked her to walk along the puzzle and tell me what she was standing on. I was trying to figure out how many of them she already knew. I was surprised at the amount she did. I would have loved to write down the ones she knew but things like that are harder when you have a little brother trying to "help" I think she knows about 2/3s of her Capital letters.
Over all we had a fun spontaneous preschool lesson.
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